Let us help you on your new journey

What is in it for you?

Find the right employer

We help you find the employer who shares your values and who will offer you a minimum of a one year contract. We advise you in regards to your CV and together we will prepare for your job interview.


Moving to a new country can be stressful and sometimes a bit scary, but don’t worry… this is why we are here. We help you find your way around all necessary paperwork and getting settled in.

No costs for you

We are recruiters and therefore our fee will come from the employers. Your salary is all yours!.


We help you build a community and get in touch with other TRIBE NL members.

After care

We will check up on you periodically and help you during your onboarding. Plus, we’ll be your partner throughout your career journey.

“Excitement comes from the achivement. Fulfillment comes from the journey that got you there”